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The Road to a Better You

Haleness Health was founded in 2023 in Kamloops in order to provide enhanced health services that support and foster the health of our customers. We offer a variety of therapeutic intravenous and injectable medications to improve and help you maintain your optimal health. Whether you are experiencing symptoms or simply want to improve your physical and mental fitness, Haleness Health provides the resources to do so in a healing and friendly environment.  Most all of our products are natural vitamins, minerals, amino acids and other natural molecular components that are essential to our health longevity. 


The Health Experts


Dr. Chris Brink has a remarkable medical background in Emergency Medicine, Maternity Care, Family Practice and Medical Cosmetics. He is also Medical Director for Riverview Medical, SKIN Kamloops, and RN Collaborate. Dr. Brink has extensive knowledge and background across the health lifespan that has involved both his specialties and his general family practitionership. 


Lori Chern is a Registered Nurse with Certifications at both Cornell University and Harvard Medical School for advanced health concepts across the lifespan. Lori's nursing experience encompasses Emergency Nursing, Primary Care, and Community Health. Lori also has extensive knowledge across the health lifespan.


Both Dr. Chris Brink and Lori Chern (RN) both share a passion for progressive concepts in health and medicine, including restoring health and preventing disease. Together, they have founded Haleness Health to provide advanced therapies with natural substances to restore health, maintain optimal health, and minimize the aging process.


Registered Nurse, BScN

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Medical Director

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